Are You At the End of Your Rope After Trying ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING, from nose strips, straps, CPAP to Even Throat Exercises to Stop Snoring?
Does that sound like you? Then keep reading because I’m going to reveal the easiest and fastest solution to stop snoring for good!
Are you fed up with waking up feeling even more tired than before you went to sleep?
There’s nothing like going to bed, thinking that you’ll sleep through the night and wake up rested…
Only to wake up feeling dizzy, groggy, and like a freight train was running through your head all night long.
If you snore, then you know exactly what this feels like.
According to the National Sleep Foundation, 90 million American adults snore sometimes, and 37 million people snore on a regular basis.
If you’re reading this, you’re likely one of them.
And if you are, you’ve either tried your fair share of solutions – or you’re looking for something that will help you stop snoring tonight, so you can enjoy a peaceful, natural slumber…
…along with your wife who might not be able to share the bed with you due to your eardrum-ripping snoring.
You know it’s quite embarrassing and heartbreaking, not being able to sleep with your spouse. It ultimately hurts your relationship with your wife in the long run.
Your wife might need to hit you, shake you, or yell at you while saying, “stop snoring” only to wake you up for 3 seconds and stop snoring for a few minutes so that she can fall asleep. Gross!
You see, there is no shortage of advice from millions of people around the world on the Internet which makes it easy for you to get overwhelmed.
To help you stop snoring, you’ve likely been given various recommended lifestyle changes, such as:
Losing weight
Avoiding alcohol close to bedtime
Treating nasal congestion
Avoiding sleep deprivation
Avoiding sleeping on your back
Most of these recommendations require a lot of discipline and major lifestyle changes that can be painful to make for most people.
Let’s be honest – if you’re desperate to get a good night’s sleep tonight, then “losing weight” won’t happen fast enough.
Especially for people with a hectic daily schedule, losing weight can be even
more daunting than snoring. Right?
And you know what’s the worst part? Losing weight doesn’t guarantee that you’ll stop snoring at all.
There are so many skinny people out there who snore a ton.
This is why doctors and others will recommend a CPAP machine.
CPAP machines can work, but are they worth it?
The last resort is often a CPAP machine, but they’re expensive, often costing around $4,000 – and uncomfortable.
Besides, in order to get one, you need to take a sleep study. That means staying overnight at a sleep center to undergo an in-depth analysis of your breathing during sleep by a study, called polysomnography.
In polysomnography, you’re connected to many sensors and observed overnight. During the sleep study, the following information is recorded:
Brain waves
Blood oxygen level
Heart rate
Breathing rate
Sleep stages
Eye and leg movements
Although CPAP can work, most people find it uncomfortable or have trouble adjusting to the noise or feel of the machine. And they’re expensive and it takes several weeks, if not months, to get one.
And all you want to do is stop your snoring tonight (not months from now).
Considering the size of a CPAP machine, it’s also not travel-friendly if in case you need to spend the night elsewhere.
Speaking of its size, if you’re sleeping with a person wearing a CPAP machine makes you feel like you’re sleeping with a completely different person.
It’s not pleasing at all to see your loved one sleeping like a critical patient in the ICU.
You might have also been recommended to not sleep on your stomach and be a regular side sleeper as it helps reduce snore.
Hacks like sewing a tennis ball to the back of a pajama shirt to keep you from rolling over are common to practice side sleeping.
But to be honest – it’s not fair. You might already compromise on a lot of things in your daily life but compromising on your sleeping positions is a hard pill to swallow. Doesn’t it?
Your daily schedule might leave you exhausted at the end of the day and at night, all you need is a good night's sleep to completely relax and rejuvenate for the next day.
But only being able to sleep on one side, all night long, every night, is not a pleasant experience at all.
It’s never going to let you sleep in deep sleep mode because after some time, you have to change the side otherwise, it causes restlessness.
Don’t you think you should have complete freedom to roll around in your bed while sleeping whenever you want?
You sure want. No one wants to wake up feeling like they were glued to the bed all night long.
That’s why, the solution that I’m going to reveal to you is so incredibly powerful that you won’t have to:
Compromise on your sleeping positions ever.
You would wake up feeling rested, and fresh, every day, like you have a “new lease” on life and can finally start living fully again.
You won’t need a nap in the afternoon but instead, you can do the things you want to do after work (no need to feel like you’re missing out on life after work because of needing to nap.)
You will be able to sleep with your wife/husband again after years of sleeping alone.
You will end the harmful effects of snoring on your health including cardiovascular diseases and high blood pressure.
You won’t need an expensive $4,000 CPAP machine strapped to your face all night long that is quite frightening for your partner.
You won’t ever need to go through any painful and expensive surgery that often doctors recommend to so many people who snore.
Andy Bass
“My snoring is effectively gone. It’s quite miraculous.”
Andrew Arch
“This is the most amazing little wonder! It has allowed my girlfriend and I to share the same bed again after almost three years of sleeping apart.”
Joe Lunsmann
“Nothing ever worked.
For the first time in my life, I am not snoring.”
At this point, you might be thinking that is it really possible to get rid of snoring without any:
Painful exercises
Spending 4 grands on a CPAP machine
Going from one remedy to the other
…in the hopes of finally finding a solution to this heart-wrenching problem.
And the answer is a resounding YES!
Introducing the Vital Sleep Anti-Snoring Device
A super comfortable mouthpiece to move your lower jaw forward, opening up
the airway and preventing the collapse of soft tissues that cause snoring.
Its patented Accu-Adjust System allows for customized and effective jaw positioning during sleep.
By targeting the root cause of snoring, it significantly enhances sleep quality, enabling users to wake up feeling refreshed, and rejuvenated.
Unlike CPAP and weight loss, you don’t have to wait for weeks if not months to have a restful sleep. Because Vital Sleep is designed to be effective from the very first night of use.
Here’s what makes Vital Sleep stand out…
Stop snoring for better sleep and productivity
Vital sleep is unlike any other snoring oral appliance for both men and women that helps you keep your airway open all night long without making you feel uncomfortable.
Personalized fit
Unlike cheap, flimsy “boil-n-bite” mouth guards, Vital Sleep fits into your mouth with 100% precision according to your teeth impressions to eliminate any chances of discomfort or restlessness during sleep.
Adjustable based on your snoring intensity
We understand that snoring intensity can vary from person to person and the same is the case with jaw size. That’s why, Vital Sleep enables you to personalize adjustments where you feel the most comfortable and restful.
Mold it to your teeth
Heat the Vital Sleep for 45 seconds in hot water then cool it down before biting to create your own impressions, like a dentist-fitted oral appliance, without the expensive cost.
We understand your skepticism around anti-snoring devices available on the market, especially oral devices.
You see, all devices are not created equal or have the same effect.
And if you use them the wrong way, you risk injuring yourself.
Most of the oral devices on the market are so rigid and bigger than what you can hold in your mouth comfortably.
Their bulky and cumbersome design causes pain in your jaws, and restlessness during sleep, making you wake up abruptly.
Inserting them into your mouth feels like trying to accommodate an oversized puzzle piece that just doesn’t fit easily.
Then the awkward fit makes it challenging to sleep peacefully, and you might often find yourself waking up with discomfort.
Beyond the discomfort, these oral devices are undeniably annoying. The bulkiness not only interferes with your ability to close your mouth naturally but also causes excessive salivation.
It means that you wake up to a wet and uncomfortable mouth, which only adds to the overall misery.
Vital Sleep is designed under strict production guidelines and more importantly it’s battle-tested.
Based on hundreds of reviews, 90% of our customers experience a significant reduction in snoring from the very first night of use.
Introducing the Vital Sleep Anti-Snoring Device
A super comfortable mouthpiece to move your lower jaw forward, opening up
the airway and preventing the collapse of soft tissues that cause snoring.
Its patented Accu-Adjust System allows for customized and effective jaw positioning during sleep.
By targeting the root cause of snoring, it significantly enhances sleep quality, enabling users to wake up feeling refreshed, and rejuvenated.
Unlike CPAP and weight loss, you don’t have to wait for weeks if not months to have a restful sleep. Because Vital Sleep is designed to be effective from the very first night of use.
Here’s what makes Vital Sleep stand out…
Stop snoring for better sleep and productivity
Vital sleep is unlike any other snoring oral appliance for both men and women that helps you keep your airway open all night long without making you feel uncomfortable.
Personalized fit
Unlike cheap, flimsy “boil-n-bite” mouth guards, Vital Sleep fits into your mouth with 100% precision according to your teeth impressions to eliminate any chances of discomfort or restlessness during sleep.
Adjustable based on your snoring intensity
We understand that snoring intensity can vary from person to person and the same is the case with jaw size. That’s why, Vital Sleep enables you to personalize adjustments where you feel the most comfortable and restful.
Mold it to your teeth
Heat the Vital Sleep for 45 seconds in hot water then cool it down before biting to create your own impressions, like a dentist-fitted oral appliance, without the expensive cost.
We understand your skepticism around anti-snoring devices available on the market, especially oral devices.
You see, all devices are not created equal or have the same effect.
And if you use them the wrong way, you risk injuring yourself.
Most of the oral devices on the market are so rigid and bigger than what you can hold in your mouth comfortably.
Their bulky and cumbersome design causes pain in your jaws, and restlessness during sleep, making you wake up abruptly.
Inserting them into your mouth feels like trying to accommodate an oversized puzzle piece that just doesn’t fit easily.
Then the awkward fit makes it challenging to sleep peacefully, and you might often find yourself waking up with discomfort.
Beyond the discomfort, these oral devices are undeniably annoying. The bulkiness not only interferes with your ability to close your mouth naturally but also causes excessive salivation.
It means that you wake up to a wet and uncomfortable mouth, which only adds to the overall misery.
Vital Sleep is designed under strict production guidelines and more importantly it’s battle-tested.
Based on hundreds of reviews, 90% of our customers experience a significant reduction in snoring from the very first night of use.
Vital Sleep Has Already Helped 100s of Snorers Get Restful and Healthy Sleep to Get Ahead…
"What I love about this product is that it's boil-and-bite, it's customizable to your mouth. It fits your mouth, it's soft."
"When you sleep better, you feel better. "
"I have been is a Vital Sleep mouth device for a few months and it not only helped me get a much better night's sleep, but it also has made my wife so much happier as I'm no longer waking her up throughout the night.
"If you are tired of snoring at night and are interested in a snoring device that actually works, then check out how VitalSleep can help."
"Ever felt embarrassed by loud snoring? So did I. My name's Michael, and alongside my partner Karina, we battled severe snoring issues that even our neighbors noticed! That's until we found VitalSleep, the stop snoring mouthpiece that literally saved our sleep and, dare I say, our relationship."
"What I love about this product is that it's boil-and-bite, it's customizable to your mouth. It fits your mouth, it's soft."
"When you sleep better, you feel better. "
"I have been is a Vital Sleep mouth device for a few months and it not only helped me get a much better night's sleep, but it also has made my wife so much happier as I'm no longer waking her up throughout the night.
"If you are tired of snoring at night and are interested in a snoring device that actually works, then check out how VitalSleep can help."
"Ever felt embarrassed by loud snoring? So did I. My name's Michael, and alongside my partner Karina, we battled severe snoring issues that even our neighbors noticed! That's until we found VitalSleep, the stop snoring mouthpiece that literally saved our sleep and, dare I say, our relationship."
“To anyone with a partner who snores, I really encourage you togive this a try!”
“The product has helped my husband SO much with his snoring, I have come to really rely on it. More than anything (elevated head on pillows, switching positions) this mouth guard actually stops him from snoring and allows me to sleep. To anyone with a partner who snores, I really encourage you to give this a try!”
Tamara B.
“Vital Sleep has literally changed my life.”
“Vital Sleep has literally changed my life. I've been sleeping terribly for years. I tried a new mattress but still was only getting 1-2 hours of sleep a night. Since I started using the VitalSleep I now get 6 -7 hours every night. I no longer fall asleep during the day. It is truly remarkable.”
Paul Richter
“My snoring has been reduced so much that it inspired my husband to get one too.”
“I have been using your Vital Sleep mouthpiece and had great success in minimizing my snoring. My snoring has been reduced so much that it inspired my husband to get one too. After 8 years of marriage, we are finally able to share a bed again without one of us ending up on the couch!”
Sonya Porter
Still on the Fence? We Have Got You Covered…
You’re covered by our hassle-free return policy.
Not only do we make returns easy, but we also provide 1 year of free replacements for any reason.
Simply reach out to us at and our dedicated USA support team will help you process your refund promptly, with no complicated procedures to follow.
You don’t even have to return the used device.
“Customer service is amazing!”
“Customer service is amazing. They were prompt. My mouthpiece is good quality and it helps me breathe so much better at night. I wake up less tired, overall I would highly recommend Vital Sleep.”
Jennifer Hopkins
VitalSleep is proudly manufactured in the USA. US Patent 8,534,289, FDA 510(k) K201719